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The Theme I Have Chosen

Explaining why I choose the theme and why I made changes

The theme I have originally chosen was Ananke, I thought the design was ok. Anyway, I ran Hugo with CSS processing.

$ hugo
Start building sites …

                   | EN | FR
  Pages            | 21 | 13
  Paginator pages  |  1 |  0
  Non-page files   |  0 |  0
  Static files     |  5 |  5
  Processed images |  0 |  0
  Aliases          |  3 |  1
  Sitemaps         |  2 |  1
  Cleaned          |  0 |  0

Total in 1889 ms

Yes, that 1889 milliseconds, that theme had few things that I didn’t like, one of them being the fact that it relied on node.js and some packages from npm, it was kinda slowing down the site generator.

So I decided to fork the theme and strip out anything I thought wasn’t necessary, mainly I removed the dependency on the node.js, as I felt the features in Hugo was enough and I didn’t feel the need for anything from node.js or npm, if I kept it, I would need to keep updating the dependencies, which I don’t want to keep doing.

I also replaced PostCss version of Tachyons with a Sass version of Tachyons, I just like using Sass that all I can say really.

I ran Hugo again, this time with all the junk removed

$ hugo
Start building sites …

                   | EN | FR
  Pages            | 21 | 13
  Paginator pages  |  1 |  0
  Non-page files   |  0 |  0
  Static files     |  5 |  5
  Processed images |  0 |  0
  Aliases          |  3 |  1
  Sitemaps         |  2 |  1
  Cleaned          |  0 |  0

Total in 1525 ms

I had a slightly faster result, the best thing I like about the Ananke theme is the fact is that it’s under the MIT license, meaning I can just fork it and make proprietary use of it. Also, I just like having something that I can fully control.

If you like the theme and you want full control just fork it, but of course check the license first before you do that, you don’t want to get into legal trouble obviously 😁.

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Theme Stack designed by Jimmy